Solstice blessings!

Wishing all my friends in the south a magical, blessed Yule on this short, chilly, grey-skied midwinter day. As the light returns, may it bathe you in inspiration, passion and joy…

And for those in the north, may you celebrate an inspiring, energising Litha, as Midsummer and the longest day of the year dawns for you. Much love to you all at this potent time of earth energy, change and enchantment…

Today I am grateful for the shifting energies of the winter solstice, for projects nearing completion, and for the symbolism of the moment from which light returns, to the land and to us. It’s a day to go within, to look at what we’ve achieved in the past year, to reflect on friendships, and beliefs, and dreams, and prepare for the magical year ahead… xx

To read about Yule, click here.

To read about Litha, click here.