Faery Tales

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Swan Maiden Audiobook

It’s always a bit nerve-racking hearing your audiobook for the first time, because for so long the story has been so clear in your head, and now someone else is contributing their perspective to it too, since an audiobook really is a collaboration between author and narrator. But when I was casting for the audiobook

Australian Fairy Tale Society Award 2021

I’m honoured to have been nominated for the Australian Fairy Tale Society Award this year, for my books, including The Swan Maiden and Faery Magic, and for my work on the AFTS committee, and the creation and launch of our merchandise. And it’s so wonderful to have been nominated alongside three incredible women, storyteller Jo

A Fairy Tale Conference

I'm so looking forward to the Australian Fairy Tale Society Conference on June 12-14. With two days of zoom sessions so everyone can attend, plus a full in-person day in Newtown, Sydney, it will be full of magic and enchantment, and wonderful faery tale guests including favourite authors Juliet Marillier and Kate Forsyth, amazing performers

Faery Tale of the Month

This month’s Australian Fairy Tale Society faery tale is Little Red Riding Hood – and it’s fascinating just how many versions there are. In some, she and her grandmother are eaten by the wolf, and that’s the end of the story. In some she is the victim, rescued by the huntsman or woodcutter. In others