

A Book A Week – May 2019

May was a little tricky for reading, because I was in England for the month with my beloved, and we spent all our time searching for stone circles, wandering across the moors, climbing tors, and drinking tea and eating scones in little tearooms. But between the English Heritage website and google maps, I dipped in

A Book A Week – April 2019

I’m still doing well with my Book A Week Challenge, and managed five this month too (although I can’t talk about or show you the cover of one just yet – but it shouldn’t be too long...)... My absolute favourite book of the year so far is Circe by Madeline Miller, which is saying something,

Beltane Recipes

Beltane – First Day of Summer Beltane marks the first day of summer, and is representative of vitality, fertility and the energy of the sun, so its foods include luscious fruits like cherries and strawberries, green leaf, herb and flower petal salads, oat or barley cakes, dairy foods and honey. Mead, a type of honey

A Book A Week – March 2019

One of my plans for 2019 is to make time to read more books. My post-NaNoWriMo December book binge* got me off to a great start – I devoured five books, which was bliss 💕📚🌟 And I did that again in January, and in February, and in March too. Such bliss! My first read this

Insta-Love – Author Kastie Pavlik

One of my Instagram prompts for Camp NaNoWriMo this month is to interview a fellow author. American writer Kastie Pavlik is an avid gamer, artist, techie, and hopeless bibliophile. Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2008, she has subsequently beaten breast cancer, and spends her days entertaining (annoying?) her feline overlords while adapting to her endlessly

Mabon Recipes

Mabon – Autumn Equinox Mabon is the celebration of the autumn equinox and the second harvest. It’s a time of blazing colour in nature and in food – bright orange pumpkins and sweet potatoes, yellow corn, red apples, deeply hued pomegranates and purple grapes brighten the table, along with vividly hued grape juice, ruby wine

Ostara Recipes

Ostara – Spring Equinox The spring equinox, which falls in the middle of spring, is a time of new growth, where all of nature is sprouting and blossoming – seedlings emerge, birds lay eggs, bees buzz, and new life and momentum is celebrated. Seeds, nuts, honey, the season’s fruits, green vegies, green leaves, bean sprouts

A Book A Week – February 2019

One of my plans for 2019 is to make time to read more books. My post-NaNoWriMo December book binge* got me off to a great start – I devoured five books, which was bliss 💕📚🌟 I did that again in January, and in February too. Such bliss! FEBRUARY BOOKS Some of my February books were

A Book A Week – January 2019

One of my plans for 2019 is to make time to read more books. My post-NaNoWriMo December book binge* got me off to a great start – I devoured five books, which was bliss 💕📚🌟 January was awesome too, and so far I’m on track to hit my target of reading one book a week...

Into the Mists Review

Just got a lovely 5-star review for Into the Mists... Into the Mists is a work of fantasy and magic written for young adults by author Serene Conneeley. Written as the first book in the trilogy of the same name, the story revolves around our central teenage character Carlie. In the blink of an eye,