Home/Serene Conneeley

About Serene Conneeley

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So far Serene Conneeley has created 308 blog entries.

A Fairy Tale Conference

I'm so looking forward to the Australian Fairy Tale Society Conference on June 12-14. With two days of zoom sessions so everyone can attend, plus a full in-person day in Newtown, Sydney, it will be full of magic and enchantment, and wonderful faery tale guests including favourite authors Juliet Marillier and Kate Forsyth, amazing performers

The Magic of Meditation

“Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment.” Alan Watts, American Zen Buddhist I’ve had a few queries about my meditation CD Sacred Journey lately, so I figured I’d post this interview I did when it came out...  I’ve also made it easier to order the

… and Imbolc Wishes…

I’m wishing my friends in the southern hemisphere a magical Lughnasadh, and to my friends in the north, an enchanted Imbolc to you, as the Wheel turns from the cold and dark and snow of winter to the first signs of spring. This year Imbolc falls on February 3 – you can check the exact

A Book A Week – January Reads…

In 2019 I challenged myself to read a book a week – and hit 52. In 2020, I managed more than 70. I'm looking forward to trying to match that in 2021! My first read for the year was Who Am I? by Anita Heiss, which is heartbreakingly sad, incredibly moving, yet ultimately filled with

Survival Day 2021…

I’ve always felt conflicted about today, “Australia Day”. I am so grateful to have been born in Australia, and to have so many opportunities and blessings that people in many other countries don’t have – and that, unfortunately, many people here, our Indigenous people, do not have. Australia has a brutal history of invasion, land

First Nations Voices

Someone asked for some recommendations of books to read by First Nations authors, so here are some that I read in 2020 and early 2021. There are many many more – let me know if you have any favourites and I'll add them to my TBR list... Living On Stolen Land by Ambelin Kwaymullina Who

NaNoWriMo 2020

Hooray! On November 30, close to midnight, I “won” my ninth NaNoWriMo. Nothing like leaving it til the very last minute 😂 But I hit just over 50,000 words on my NaNo project, which will be the companion novel to The Snow Queen’s Daughter. It’s not finished yet, but the story is weaving together, and

A Book A Week – October 2020

October started and ended with two awesome magical reads, Darkness Unknown, the first book in Selina Fenech’s new paranormal trilogy Beshadowed, and Last Born Daughter, the third book in Kastie Pavlik’s series Children of the Morningstar. Inbetween were many versions of Little Red Riding Hood, as well as some scholarly musings on this popular faery