Just Do It

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No Excuses, No Regrets

No Excuses, No Regrets Originally written for inSpirit magazine... You get what you work for, not what you wish for. Are you ready to carve out the mental and emotional space to achieve your dreams? What is it that you most want to do? Which dream burns within you and makes your soul soar when

NaNoWriMo – Halfway

It’s not easy, but it is worth it... I can’t believe day 15 is done, and I’m halfway through NaNoWriMo… I stayed up too late again, and blitzed through two thousand words in a slightly delirious state, to hit 25,095 words by midnight of the halfway mark. Hooray! I’m not sure how much sense they

NaNoWriMo Countdown

Less than four weeks til NaNoWriMo starts (yikes – it gave me a bit of a shock writing that!)… Here’s an interesting interview with author Sophie Kinsella from the BBC, about her tips for writing – and finishing – a book. It’s different for everyone, but some might inspire you – and some might even