author4As the countdown to the Story Queens online launch kicks off, I wanted to introduce my fellow Story Queens, which I guess includes me 🙂
How do you describe your books: The Into the Mists Trilogy is magical realism, set in the real world but with some magic woven into it, and some… beings… who may or may not be real. And it’s loosely YA, as the protagonist is seventeen, although the most-loved character seems to be her priestess grandmother… Or perhaps her adorable black cat…
sacred_magic_seriesList your books: Before the Trilogy – Into the Mists, Into the Dark and Into the Light – I wrote a series of non-fiction yet magical books with a friend, Faery Magic, Mermaid Magic and Witchy Magic, and before that I wrote a spiritual/travel/adventure/history book, Seven Sacred Sites: Magical Journeys That Will Change Your Life, as well as A Magical Journey: Your Diary of Inspiration, Adventure and Transformation.
Which one would you most like to see made into a movie: It would be awesome to see Into the Mists on the big screen 🙂
How often do you write: It varies – in November I do NanoWriMo ( and write 50,000+ words in 30 days, then I spend several more months writing extra scenes, revising, cutting, editing etc. Most days I focus on something writing related, whether it’s working on an actual book, or editing, or blogging, or working on my website or whatever…
Who are your favourite authors: Sarah Addison Allen, Juliet Marillier, JK Rowling, Philip Pullman, Nicholas Sparks, Paulo Coelho and many more…
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