As the countdown to the Story Queens online launch kicks off, I wanted to introduce my fellow Story Queens.
Rebecca Bosevski is a Central Coast adult fantasy writer. Her first book, Enchanting the Fey, will be published later this year.
How do you describe your books: I write Adult fantasy driven by reluctant heroes and unexpected endings.
List your books: Enchanting the Fey will be published later this year.
Which one would you most like to see made into a movie: My WIP Alpha Nine would make a great movie, set in the future with aliens, clones and love the major themes.
How often do you write: I aim for every day but am usually lucky to get in three to four times a week, my one-year-old daughter usually being the pleasant distraction lowering the number of days.
Who are your favourite authors: All the amazing Queens of course. I also love MaryJanice Davidson, Rachel Caine and Ellen Schreiber. Jesse Bullington’s The Enterprise of Death is one of my favorite books along with Wild Orchard by Isabel Dick, though it was written in 1946, it is an amazing read.