November News…

October was all about public events, and getting outside my comfort zone by having to talk a lot (eek!). In contrast, November is all frenzied writing and barely leaving the house – it’s a different kind of out-of-my-comfort-zone, as I committed to writing 50,000 words of Into the Fire during National Novel Writing Month. It’s hard, and challenging, and frustrating and exhausting and a million other supposedly negative things – but it’s also wonderful and productive and inspiring and all kinds of good things.

It’s a kind of magic, I think, pouring your heart out onto the page and creating something physical from the ethereal whispers of passion, inspiration, wonder, imagination – and sheer stubbornness. Into the Fire is the second book to focus on Rhiannon and Beth. I’m already 25,000 words in (woo hoo!), and I’m loving the stories that are weaving their way onto the page. There’s love, passion, loss, magic – and a funny, adorable ghost. I’ll keep you posted!

And I’ll add more to this post next week…